Saturday, 3 December 2011

Dahl - The Irresistible kind!

Indian Dahl - Convenience frozen food
LifeSmart is found at Metro grocery stores
Cooks in the microwave 
in as little as 5 minutes!

I recommend this Indian dahl for a quick and easy soup (eat with pita bread) or pour this over a plate of rice. This dish is extremely mild in taste, not spicy and very tasty, not bland either. You may want to add some spice to it if you want some hotness!
Dahl is a dish eaten by millions of Indian people and their surrounding neighbors. We all enjoy the variety that different cultures bring to our dining experience. Dahl is one of the dishes that has taken our country by storm because of its easy preparation.
Here is a recipe for you to try the next time you want a cultural dish at your supper table!
Indian Dahl Recipe
  ½ cup of each - yellow and  red lentils
  4 cups vegetable broth
  2 Tbsp canola oil
1 onion, diced
  2 Basil leaves
1 tomato,  chopped
1 potato, chopped
 ¼  cup of cut up carrots
  ¼  cup of cut up cauliflower
  ¼  cup of green beans, cut into small pieces
1small jalapeno pepper, take out seeds and cut into very small pieces (optional)
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp cumin seeds
  ½  tsp cilantro
 ½  tsp garlic powder
 Salt and pepper to taste

In a large soup or stock pot, combine lentils, vegetable broth, turmeric, cilantro, basil leaves, tomato, potato, carrots, cauliflower, green beans and garlic powder. Cover partially with a lid and simmer for about 30-40 minutes. Take out the basil leaves.

In a separate pan/skillet, sautee the onion and the cumin seeds and the jalapeno pepper (optional) in 2 Tbsp of canola oil and cook until the onions are soft. Add this to the cooked lentils and simmer a few more minutes, stirring to mix. Add salt and pepper to taste.  Eat dahl as a soup or spoon it over rice.

This picture courtesy of
because my camera did not save my photograph and I ate my dinner already!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds yummy! Although I'd have top leave out the green beans...for some reason I've never been able to enjoy them.
