Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Fries from Hades

Fries from McDonald's... 
I thought I was safe. 
What is more vegetarian than a 
bunch of plain cut up potatoes?
What is in those fries?
Photo from: http://imgur.com/gallery/xSjLT

How about learning from a reputable source? Click here!
Nothing is SAFE anymore... learn what you can from all packaged foods and restaurants before you decide to eat any of it! You only have one body and nobody will take care of you except yourself.

Making your own fries at home is the only way to be sure you're not eating chemically laden foods
  • Cut up your potatoes into thick wedges or like the ones above, if you prefer the look.
  • Spray the cookie sheet with a light/low-fat oil spray, and place them all spread out, not on top of each other.
  • Sprinkle with salt if desired.
  • Bake in a preheated oven at 425 degrees or 220 C for about 30 minutes, until golden and crispy.
  • Check often so they don't burn! It all depends on the size of your slices.
  • Be careful when taking out tray, the fries are hot! Enjoy them with your favorite topping such as ketchup, vinegar, or eat them plain! YUM!
 At least you'll know it's 

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Van's the Man!

Waffles that is!

These waffles are extremely delicious! But they are not just any waffle, they're wheat, gluten, egg, and dairy free! 
Made with brown rice flour, and potato starch, these are for anyone with allergies and intolerance to the above ingredients.

I had three 

(there are six in a package) 

I totally ran out of maple syrup... so I put canned mandarins, and added raspberry jam, and smothered the whole thing in mandarin juice from the can! 

It was probably more delicious than maple syrup. 
And I hate to break a tradition, but I had to!

photo by http://howisitmade.org

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Wednesday's What Am I? #1

What Am I?

  • I can be made into a juice
  • Good source of Vitamin B5
  • Provides 16% of adult's Vitamin C
  • In Egypt this food was thought to fight intestinal worms
  • Used as eyedrops to slow down cataract

The right answers will get a free recipe, using the food above, from yours truly!

Monday, 5 December 2011

Happy Herbivore Talks!


Lindsay S. Nixon is a rising star in the culinary world, praised for her ability to use everyday ingredients to create healthy, low fat recipes that taste just as delicious as they are nutritious. Lindsay's recipes have been featured in Vegetarian Times, Women's Health Magazine and on The Huffington Post. Lindsay is also a consulting chef at La Samanna, a luxury resort and four-star restaurant in the French West Indies. You can learn more about Lindsay and sample some of her recipes at happyherbivore.com

Question # 1 - Why did you decide to write this second cookbook?
I was obligated under a contract :-) 
I'm joking -- I mean, yes, that's true, I had signed a contract to write three books, but I knew after writing my first book if it was successful, I'd write more books for my fans.
I started my blog (and now write cookbooks) with one mission: to show that eating healthy, plant-based meals is easy, approachable, affordable and most importantly -- delicious. My recipes are all no fuss, everyday ingredients, quick and easy. I'm proving that healthy doesn't have to be expensive or complicated or a shore. It's possible -- and fun!

Question # 2 - Why are you so hooked on smoothies?
I'm not really "hooked" on smoothies---actually, I can't think of the last time I had one! I do like to have smoothies on occasion, though, particularly in the summer months when it's really hot outside. They're so refreshing. It's an easy breakfast, and a cheap one when fruit is in season, so I guess I favor them in the summer as a seasonal and affordable option.

Question # 3 - Why did you decide on a full color page of the photos instead of a smaller picture?
Personal preference. I like full page pictures and cookbooks with lots of pictures and color.

Question # 4 - Are you hoping that most people who buy this cookbook become more plant-based in their eating habits for a long term even forever?
My hope with my cookbooks is that people see that eating healthy is delicious, affordable and approachable. I believe that every plant-based meal matters and I hope my cookbook encourages people to eat more healthy plant-based meals, and as often as possible

Question # 5 - Are you going to do a Canadian tour for any one of your books?
Probably not -- book tours are really expensive -- and I'm also swamped writing my third book right now. I really do want to see all my fans and supporters; so someday I'll meet them all... including you!


Apple Fritter Cups | 12 muffins
Photo taken by Scott Nixon

As my friend Sheree` says “These treats just jump right in to your mouth and make you dance!”

1 ½ cup chopped apple (skin optional)
1 c nondairy milk
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
2 tsp vanilla extract
¼ cup light brown or raw sugar
2 c whole wheat pastry flour
½ tsp salt
½ tsp baking powder
½ tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon, divided
nutmeg or ground ginger
Basic Glaze

Preheat oven to 350F. Fill muffin tin with paper liners and set aside. Toss 1 cup apples with a few dashes of cinnamon and a little brown sugar until well coated and set asides (“topping”). In a small bowl, whisk nondairy milk with vinegar and set aside. In a large bowl, whisk flour, salt, baking powder, baking soda, ½ to ¾ tsp cinnamon (your choice) plus a dash of nutmeg or ginger, and stir to combine. Whisk in sugar then pour in milk mixture. Add vanilla and remaining ½ cup apples and stir to combine. Spoon into muffin cups just a tad more than ½-way full. Add “topping” on each. Bake 15-25 minutes, until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Meanwhile, make glaze, substituting 1 tsp of liquid with 1 tsp pure maple syrup (optional). Drizzle warm fritters with glaze.

Tip: Once the fritters completely cool, the liners will peel off. If you plan to eat them warm, lightly spray the inside of the liner with oil-spray to prevent sticking or forgo the liners and grease your muffin tin or use a nonstick pan.

Per Fritter (without glaze) : 102 Calories, 0.4g Fat, 20.9g Carbohydrates, 2.4g Fiber, 5.5g Sugar, 2.7g Protein

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Dahl - The Irresistible kind!

Indian Dahl - Convenience frozen food
LifeSmart is found at Metro grocery stores
Cooks in the microwave 
in as little as 5 minutes!

I recommend this Indian dahl for a quick and easy soup (eat with pita bread) or pour this over a plate of rice. This dish is extremely mild in taste, not spicy and very tasty, not bland either. You may want to add some spice to it if you want some hotness!
Dahl is a dish eaten by millions of Indian people and their surrounding neighbors. We all enjoy the variety that different cultures bring to our dining experience. Dahl is one of the dishes that has taken our country by storm because of its easy preparation.
Here is a recipe for you to try the next time you want a cultural dish at your supper table!
Indian Dahl Recipe
  ½ cup of each - yellow and  red lentils
  4 cups vegetable broth
  2 Tbsp canola oil
1 onion, diced
  2 Basil leaves
1 tomato,  chopped
1 potato, chopped
 ¼  cup of cut up carrots
  ¼  cup of cut up cauliflower
  ¼  cup of green beans, cut into small pieces
1small jalapeno pepper, take out seeds and cut into very small pieces (optional)
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp cumin seeds
  ½  tsp cilantro
 ½  tsp garlic powder
 Salt and pepper to taste

In a large soup or stock pot, combine lentils, vegetable broth, turmeric, cilantro, basil leaves, tomato, potato, carrots, cauliflower, green beans and garlic powder. Cover partially with a lid and simmer for about 30-40 minutes. Take out the basil leaves.

In a separate pan/skillet, sautee the onion and the cumin seeds and the jalapeno pepper (optional) in 2 Tbsp of canola oil and cook until the onions are soft. Add this to the cooked lentils and simmer a few more minutes, stirring to mix. Add salt and pepper to taste.  Eat dahl as a soup or spoon it over rice.

This picture courtesy of www.route79.com
because my camera did not save my photograph and I ate my dinner already!

Friday, 2 December 2011

Emerald and Ivory

Asparagus - White and Green

We are so used to seeing green asparagus sold in stores in a container of water. But did you know there are also purple and white asparagus? The white ones are also called "white gold" and "edible ivory". 
Such estimable names for a vegetable!

China is the world's largest producer, salt is used in the soil so no other vegetable can grow there except asparagus. Asparagus is a perennial plant (meaning it naturally grows every year without replanting) 
In the beauty world, it is known that the water from cooking asparagus may help clean blemishes on the face if used twice a day.

Many German cities celebrate a festival in honor of the white asparagus and during this festival an Asparagus Queen is crowned!
picture is from "The Pragmatic Chef"
Asparagus may hold the key to hold off Alzheimer's disease. Asparagus provides 135 micrograms of folate, and studies have shown that humans who died from AD have low or no folate in their system! 

Although it is not proven that eating vegetables high in folate will ward off Alzheimer's disease, it certainly wouldn't hurt having them for dinner once in a while!

Asparagus twists were inspired 

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Eat the other Banana!


- Starchy, used as a vegetable
- Thick skin and longer than bananas
- Greenish/black color

You can steam, boil, grill, bake or fry these and add them to your dinner plate! 
Plantains are a fun part of a meal and many people eat them daily. 

Watch the video: 
"How to make fried plantains with John Mitzewich!"

  • In Ghana, boiled plantain is eaten with a stew. 
  • In the southern United States, in Texas, Louisiana and Florida, plantains are often grilled. 
  • In Nigeria, plantain is eaten boiled, fried or roasted.
  • In Guatemala, ripe plantains sometimes mashed and stuffed with sweetened black beans. Afterwards, they are deep fried. The peel of the ripe plantain is boiled with sugar and cinnamon to produce a very rich beverage. Nothing is wasted!

As a snack you may want to enjoy them as chips:

This bag is a product from Ecuador
17% Potassium, 16% Fiber, 4% Iron
Now the fun part...
 one small bag - 85 g is 440 calories!

Friday, 11 November 2011

Introduction - What foods do you eat?

People have been eating food since... forever!

Mainly for 2 reasons:
  1. To survive and exist as a species
  2. To quiet the rumblings of a starving stomach

So eating will never be an option, it has to be done.
But your choice of what you eat affects your body's ability to make it through the day.

Junk food makes your body tired, drained and lazy. 
You can survive on junk food, even living for decades on it. 
But is that what your body craves?

Cravings are created by an intense desire for a certain food. Junk food cravings are created by constant exposure to fatty, sugary foods that are brought about by the media, society and large companies. Companies make enormous amounts of money selling unhealthy foods to people, with unhealthy consequences such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and a host of other ailments.

The body is still craving healthy FOOD!
No matter how much unhealthy foods you eat, you are constantly hungry!

Healthy foods leaves you energetic, happy and full of bounce. 
Our bodies were made for eating plant based foods. 
Our teeth are telltale signs of this, flat molars, not pointy animal teeth.

Vegetables and fruits should make up the bulk of what we eat, along with grains, lentils and beans. Once you start eating only plant based foods, the junk foods you have been eating doesn't even appeal to you, it won't even taste good anymore!

Your body will start to heal, even reverse the illnesses that a meat and dairy diet creates.
You can live a very healthy and long life!
Isn't that what everybody wants?

It's all up to you.